Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Ramona welcomed everyone and introduced Barbara Schiffman who provided a meditation inspired by her work with Akashic records. If you would like an mp3 file of Barbara's meditation, send an email to Mike at practical.metaphysics@gmail.com

There was a period of sharing of successes using the law of attraction.

We viewed a DVD segment from the 2013 Abraham Eastern Mediterranean cruise entitled “Is it OK to want a perfect partner?” The young man in the hot seat was wondering if he was in the best relationship, or if he could do better. Abraham advised him to connect his frequency with Source and then he will attract those who are on the same frequency. Once frequency with Source is established, we should determine if we are on a low flying or high flying disc. If on a low flying disc, the best thing to do is go general – not be specific. That will help us move to a higher flying disc. When on a high flying disc we can go specific and find what we want. Also, when on a high flying disc you can see the other person as Source see them and that person will either rise to meet your vibration or leave the relationship.

Ramona led an exercise to help us pivot our current emotional focus on a relationship (or anything for that matter). While thinking about a specific relationship we would like to improve, list a few things we do not like about the person or relationship. Then list what you would like that relationship to be like. This exercise helps us pivot our thinking from concentrating on what we don’t like to thinking about what we do like, and thereby putting us in a better place to attract what we want.

There was a discussion about commitment. Whatever disc you are on when someone enters your life is what you will attract. Focus on your own happiness – what makes you feel good. Give it to the Universe. One strategy to understand what the other person is looking for is to let them talk openly about what they want. Ask them questions about it. Be excited for them and happy they are achieving what they want. It may not currently be you, but they may become more attracted to you if you show interest in their wants and needs. Remember to be equally excited for your own life.

Another discussion was about how you can attract a relationship when you’ve never had one. Just remember to love yourself first. By establishing a vibration of love, it will come to you. You just need to recognize it when it comes.

How do you learn to love yourself? One suggestion is to play the alphabet game. Each letter is an attribute of yourself. “I am awesome; I am beautiful; I am C,D,E,etc. If you record it and listen to it you will hear your own voice telling you how wonderful you are and that you love yourself.

The video was the closing from the 2013 Abraham Eastern Mediterranean cruise.  (Since both video clips were from a DVD, neither may be linked for your viewing.)

Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 10.

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