Monday, March 29, 2021


You can come up with your own script or use the one below. Depending on the level of trauma, you can replace the word “hurt” with “inconvenienced” or “affected.”

Say out loud while feeling it in your heart: “Even though I was hurt by what you did, I forgive you.  I’m sorry that you didn’t know any better at the time and I see that you were only hurting me because you yourself were in pain (or sick, or in fear, or unconscious, etc.). I feel for you and I’m sorry.”

Next, you’re going to send love and light to this person.  At our core, we are all love and light. I know that’s hard to understand, but in essence, we are all pure energy; pure consciousness. What makes us commit horrible acts and behave selfishly is our ego…and attaching who we think we are to this false persona we’ve created.  

So by sending light to this person, you are expressing the highest form of compassion and love, which is your truest nature. And embodying your truest nature is what will set you free.

Sending light exercise: Close your eyes.  Take 5 deep breaths.  Imagine you’re surrounded by an abundance of pure and loving light and with each breath you take, you are taking in this pure energy.  Imagine it flowing through your body, touching every cell of your being.  Feel the peace inside of you. 

Now, imagine the person you want to forgive in front of you and this loving light flowing right to them. Imagine it surrounding them and entering their body as they breathe.  Imagine them glowing brighter and giving off a strong sense of peace. Imagine them looking at you and saying “I’m sorry.” Feel their sincere apology and know that their Higher self is not the self that hurt you. It was their own wounded self. Make amends with this person, wish them a lifetime of peace, and come back to your body. Feel how good it feels to give love to another. Feel how good it feels to forgive. Feel the peace inside of you and sit with this feeling for a few minutes. When you’re ready, open your eyes.

It might be hard to send light to the person who has hurt you, but because they have hurt you, they need your light the most.  It is those people who hurt others that are suffering the most, therefore they need the most love.  

Sunday, March 7, 2021


 Thank You to all who attended and participated in the meeting.  Here are some items from the meeting that may be of interest:


Many of you wanted a link to the meditation on speaking with your inner child.   

The Honest Guys Meditation 


Some wanted more information on the self-love part of the video.  Here is a link to the entire YouTube video.  The portion we played starts at about 7:20, but we thought you might like the entire video.  

Self-Love Video.


Several have asked if they can contribute towards the cost of putting on these meetings.  If you are so inclined, here are two safe methods:


Our next meeting will be in three weeks on March 28, 2021.