Monday, September 10, 2018


Ramona welcomed the group and introduced new members and guests.

Eddie Conner provided a guided meditation and visualization to release old, outdated belief systems.  Due to technical issues, Eddie’s meditation will not be available on YouTube as usual.  Our apologies to Eddie and the group.

Ramona asked the group to share some of the illogical beliefs they have heard or believed in the past.  Here are a few:
It’s never going to get better.
That’s just the way it is.
Being sick is a contradiction.  Go to work and spread the germs or stay home and get well.
I don’t deserve good things.
I’m not worthy.
I can’t hold on to the good.
Why do bad things always happen to me?
Life is not fair.
You have to work hard to make money.
I’m too old to change.
I’m too young to be successful.
There’s never enough time.
Success requires sacrifice.
This is going to suck.

We watched a YouTube video entitled “Exploring Illogical Beliefs”.   

The video reminded the group of some interesting points:
Focus on the future, not on the past.
Perception is reality. Changing our perception can change our reality.
Living in the past is living our old self.
It’s important to continue our feel-good momentum.
Stop momentum as soon as possible when headed in the wrong direction.
We are more than our five physical senses.
Focusing on positive, happy memories is more advantages than the negative.
Happy memories beget happier present moments.
Meditation is a great tool to flip back into pure positive energy.
Focus on what is working and what feels good.
We are responsible for our own happiness and well-being.

Ramona asked for volunteers to express their illogical beliefs in the love seat.  
The first illogical belief expressed was “We focus on the problem, not the solution, and attract more problems.”  
Instead of being a problem solver, consider yourself a solution-oriented person.
Record, rewrite, revisit and focus on all the moments that worked in the past.
Talk to the light and soul of each person you work with.
Solution energy is a feeling frequency.
Be the feeling of light-heartedness.
Play the “Wouldn’t it be nice if…” game.
Create a “Solution-oriented soul” character.
Play with the energy of positive momentum.
Have fun.
Meditate on the desired end result feeling as if you have already achieved your goal.

The next illogical belief was I can’t be rich.” 
Do a spiritual DNA test to see where your rich gene is located and send it love.
Study biographies of wealthy minded people.
Focus on the wealth you already have.
Affirm in feel-good ways “I am wealthy. I am rich. I am prosperous.”
How big can I think, feel, vibrate, radiate and shine?
Acknowledge your inner being minute by minute.
Visualize being in the stream of your whole soul self.
Carry yourself as if you have just manifested your first million dollars.
Get to the root of why you want what you want.
Focus on all things that are infinite, right now.
Focus on all the things that you like, love and appreciate.
Stay general.

The last illogical belief was (Actor) They don’t like me. What's wrong with me.  What am I doing wrong?
You are not always the perfect fit for all parts.  It has nothing to do with the gifts you bring to the table.
Practice brave vulnerability for the joy of it with people with whom you feel safe.
Shine your light and connect with your unique talent.
Remember, what other people think of me is none of my business.

Ramona closed the meeting with comments about John McCain and how he always focused on the good things.  Even his memories as a POW focused on what he referred to as the fun times and happy memories.

Follow us on social media:

On Facebook at The Burbank Law of Attraction Meetup Group for daily quotes.

On Facebook at The Law of Attraction in Action for inspiring thoughts.

On YouTube at MikeAndRamona.LOA.

On Instagram at BurbankLOACouple.

Our next meeting will be October 8 at 7PM.  Hope to see you there.