Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Ramona welcomed the group and had new members and guests introduce themselves.

EddieConner led the group in a guided meditation.  Be sure to visit Eddie’s website to learn about his upcoming classes and spiritual journeys.  If you want an audio file of Eddie's fantastic meditation, here is the link to download.  It will only be available until June 21, so don't wait.  Meditation.  

Members shared their wins since the last meeting. 

We picked this topic because Mike and Ramona are feeling overwhelmed with their decision to sell their Michigan home and move to California. 

Ramona asked what the members learned from the video.  Answers included:
         Just appreciate all of it.
         Everything can be fun.
         Engage the cooperative Universe.
         The Universe loves it when we ask for something.
         Listen to something uplifting every day.
         Need realignment?  Take a nap.
         HELP is an acronym for Hello Eternal Loving Presence.
         Stop, breathe and affirm “Everything is always working out for me.”
         Follow your bliss regardless of physical circumstances.
When you feel resistance, stop and repurpose your emotional perspective.

Ramona added the following:
         Is negative emotion pointing out how stupid I am?
         There are only better choices and worse choices.
We tend to jump into action before we’ve aligned ourselves with our desired outcome.

How can we align ourselves with our desired outcome?
         Get more rest.  Take naps.
         Have the proper intention.
         Hold happy thoughts for the joy of it.
         Breathe in the light.
         Focus on high pure thoughts.

How do we get rid of strong, negative emotion?  By catching it before it gets out of control.  Learn to listen less to others and trust your own inner guidance system.  Continue to hold the idea of what you want – recite it, rehearse it, practice it until it becomes normal.

Ramona asked what the members learned from this video.  Answers included:
         Do it your own way – always.
         Take the path of least resistance.
Swim downstream – it’s a lot easier and relaxing than swimming upstream.
Be struggle free.
Everything is always amazing.

When we give up the struggle we enter into the flow of acceptance.  The path of least resistance always feels more powerful, more light, more relaxed, more laid back, more inspirational.  You cannot lose by caring about how you feel.

A member observed that we are trained to care for others first instead of ourselves.  Ramona agreed and responded that we are here to take care of ourselves in the most grounded way.  See others as their soul’s essence instead of trying to fix them.  This will free us up to focus on the happier times for the joy of it.  If you find you are pushing yourself into doing the work, DON’T!  Let it go and get into the receptive mode and see what happens.

Remember – If you have five things you really care about and four are not working, your tendency is to work on the four that are not working.  Instead, concentrate on the one that is working and that will affect the vibration of the others.  Think about the things that empower you, lift you up, make you smile, laugh and be happy.  Lead by example.  Mirror other people’s beauty.  Be a “you bet” person, not a “yeah but” type.  Always take credit for your wins, successes and powerful moments. 

Ramona asked the group “Are you ready to close the book on feeling overwhelmed?  Then shout to the Universe:
I release feeling overwhelmed.
I’m taking back my power.
I’m going to find increasing alignment with whom I am.
I like all parts of my life.
And so it is!!!

One of our members, Fatimata, wrote the following prayer affirmation, and recited it for our closing:

So how grateful I am to awaken to a new day, a new beginning, a new adventure, and to the continued unfolding of my divine nature. I admit that I am a vibrational being, a direct extension of non-physical energy in this physical life experience, living at the leading edge of thought, here to reveal the universe in a unique way that it has never been expressed before. Unconditional Love is my source and my supply and I know that my higher self gives me everything that I need.

            I now turn my mind and my heart to the infinite intelligence that creates and sustains worlds in the knowing that all my needs met: I know that all I am requesting is already fulfilled through the universal laws of spiritual living. Indeed, I know that as life has caused me to ask for my expansion in in health, wealth, love, success, wholeness, happiness, poise, confidence and prosperity, Source has already answered, and all my needs are met. I ask Divine Love to guide me today in my practice of ALLOWING so that I can release any form of resistance that holds me in the past and that I transmute my vibration and energy to align with the higher version of myself that is already complete in the Vortex of Collective Consciousness;

            I ask that divine ease and grace guide me through my healing, as I walk through the way and the light of Letting Go and FORGIVENESS, which frees me from any bondage to the past, any feeling of hurt, betrayal, not having enough, not being good enough, not being worth it, not being lovable, because indeed I am of the same source than the light that lights up the world. I know that I am a perfect ideal in the mind of Source; a unique emanation of love, beauty, and divine intelligence;

            So today, I stand in remembrance that my consciousness is always still, pure source, which observes our content thoughts that is dynamic, evolving and embodying higher and nurturing thinking as I evolved in this physical life experience. Inspired thinking and Unconditional Love motivate my actions. Today, and every day, I surround myself with great company and hold great conversations that raise our vibration and enable me to embrace the principles of Truth in every moment. I know that all my needs are met right now and everything is working together for my own good. Through the dedicated practice of meditation, reading, teaching and prayer, I remember the law of Infinite Potential and the knowing that when I achieve vibrational alignment with that which I desire, it must manifest in my life. It is law.

           Today, I hold myself in higher thought and higher action and surrender my life to more goods than I can possibly imagine: I am willing to be the instrument through which unconditional love, joy, prosperity, unconditional giving, success and happiness manifest; because sincerely, this is my true mission in life.

            I know these qualities and the words that have been spoken now have already been fulfilled in the mind of source, and I am grateful for all I have been given. So, I release the words, and let it be by simply saying: “And so it is.” Amen.

Another member of the Burbank Law of Attraction Group wrote an article that is well worth reading.  It’s entitled “Six Ways to Reclaim Your Passion for Life”.  ClickHere to read the article.

We will not be meeting in July because of commitments in Michigan.  Our next meeting will be around the middle of August.  Meetup will notify you of the exact date once we have scheduled the meeting.