Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Inner Conflict - Who Me?

After Ramona asked the new members to introduce themselves, several members shared their “wins” since the last meeting. Then Mike showed a brief video of Ramona, Eddie and himself as dancing elves.

“Every time we self doubt we back ourselves up a thousand steps.”

We showed an Abraham video (it starts with a commercial – sorry!) Thinking, as choosing your thoughts followed by a discussion of where inner conflict comes from. Some examples are the media, ego, family history, and self doubt. When we feel negative emotion we are out of the vortex. The vortex is a feeling of joy, relief, fun as opposed to the dark heavy feelings we get when things “go wrong”. It’s where we want to be as much of the time as possible.

When we get upset we only cut ourselves off from our core essence, aka the vortex. Ramona used the example of having to place her mother-in-law in an assisted living facility and the trauma that ensued with her and certain family members. The experience took her out of the vortex. Later, while cleaning out her Mother-in-law’s dresser, she found her original wedding invitation from 1941. It shifted her from the heavy negative emotion, making her feel good and placing her back in the vortex.

Ramona asked how we feel when we have bad thoughts and where do they come from. The consensus was the thoughts eat at your gut. They disconnect us from source energy. A lot of the negatives come from our friends and acquaintances. Some people try to out- do the other with comments like, “If you think that’s bad, here’s what happened to me!”

Someone shared that negative “stuff” is often given to us by the Universe to teach us a lesson. Are they lessons? Or are they opportunities to learn from mistakes? When we keep hitting a wall with things that are important we have the opportunity to birth a new desire. And here are some of the tricks we can use to stay in alignment: Write down the opposite of the existing negative reality we are living; look at what’s going right; say “I appreciate…” and write down what is going right.

When encountering someone with whom you have a negative history, approach them as if there are no issues. Erase the old subject negativity and start all over with a fresh new perspective. Learn to pre-pave your next meeting with that person by stating  a new intention that realigns with our desires.

The What the Bleep video on the effects of intention on distilled water raises the question, “If our thoughts can do that to distilled water, imagine what they are doing to us.”

When Mike was diagnosed as having “the C word” (which he never used) he would explain as follows: “I am going to be OK; I have a tumor; it will be removed; and I will be OK.” He started and ended the explanation with being "OK”.

We can easily become addicted to our negative thoughts and emotions allowing them to become bad habits. We all have the devil and angel represented by our inner dialogue and inner conflict. We need to give more attention to our angels’ voices.

Unfortunately many of us have created the bad habit of wanting to hear the negative stories. Here are some things that were shared to counter the negatives:

Appreciate the good things. Meditate. Pre-pave things the way you want them to go. Find out what works for us. “In the fullness of time, more will be revealed in order to feel better at the time.” Find things that will shift our inner conflict. When you wake up in the morning, do not get out of bed until you can feel joy and bliss. Everybody has things to feel angry about: it takes true courage to feel grateful. Appreciate good customer service and soon you will receive GREAT customer service.

What inspired actions can we take in 2013:
Slow down. Say to yourself “I intend to feel good”. Be the change you want to see. Chant before you start your day. Feel good before you get out of bed. Say “I am in control and own it consistently.” Wake up with gratitude. Meditate first thing in the morning. Set your tone as “for the joy of it.” Do self-love affirmations. Drop the fear. Attend more Burbank Law of Attraction meet-ups.

Ramona closed the meeting with the following:
How are you feeling this very minute? Let’s ask the Universe for more of this in 2013.
Universe, thank you for reminding me that I am good and worthy.
Universe, thank you for reminding me to not take things so seriously.
Universe, thank you for reminding me that I am moving in the direction that is best for me each day.
Universe, thank you for reminding me that the past is gone and the future is filled with unlimited possibilities.
Universe, thank you for the multitude of non-physical beings lined up to assist me every step of every day.
Universe, thank you for reminding me that this is going to be the most amazing year of my life.
And so it is!

We did not have time to show the closing video, but if you are interested, it’s called Life is Good. 

Our next meeting will be February 26th, 2013.

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