After Ramona welcomed members and guests, Eddie Conner led us in a meditation “A Gift of Love” available on
The opening video was “Trust the Universe” available on YouTube through our channel MikeAndRamona.LOA. Abraham is asked “How much can we trust the Universe?”
Abraham says that this is an exercise in continuing attention because we are a continuing, evolving, fast changing being. We create through our attention, which in other words is through our emission of vibration. Our struggle comes about because we have become used to our way of doing things in the past, and now there are new ways. In effect we have one foot in the old world, and one in the new, which creates a struggle.
The newer generations, however, don’t have that struggle. They are pure positive energy and know where they should be headed. And what do we do with these new entries into our world? We try our best to teach them the old ways, the ways with which we are comfortable. We pull them out of the path they know is the right one for them, and we try our best to focus them on our reality. And when they don’t comply, when they act out because we are forcing them in a direction they don’t want to go, what happens? We complain about it. THAT KEEPS US FROM THE REALITY WE WANT.
Abraham told a story about Esther travelling and encountering a flight delay. Esther thought about how she had been lied to in the past and the flights that had been delayed, then cancelled. She almost fell into the trap of worrying about how she was going to get to her final destination. Then she realized she had plenty of time to either fly there or rent a car and driver. That relaxed her enough that she remembered the Universe has your back, no matter what. So, Esther trusted that everything always works out for her, and waited for the flight to be boarded, which it did exactly when the delayed flight departure board indicated.
The moral of the story is that the Universe always has a plan for you. You don’t have to figure it out. Often when you try to figure it out on your own, you create more unnecessary resistance. Things are always working out for you and nothing serious is really going on. Sometimes it is tempting to play out the worst case scenario because we want the adventure; we want to prove our worthiness; we want to triumph.
Abraham encourages us to be playful and have fun with our lives. Accept the surprises the Universe has in store for us and delight in as many ways as we want. NEVER ask the Universe to give you exactly what you’ve planned for yourself. That would lead to a very boring life. If you allow the Universe to reach out to all the possibilities, then it will “stand on its head” to give you all you want, when you want it.
The video brought out some good thoughts. Just relax, chill out, take a breath, go general and let it go. Observe the things that are working for you. Remember you can activate a new consciousness in only 17 seconds. There is nothing really serious going on. Just stay in the moment with the proper intention for the joy of it. Meditate, take inventory of everything that is working out for you, count your blessings, segment intend and visualize what you do want.
Let go of the past, especially if it is negative. Focus on feeling good because it lowers resistance. Do not sweat the small stuff because in the end, it’s all small stuff. Feel the mantra “Let it go”. Pull white light from the crown chakra through your body, mind and spirit. Play with your pets; connect with other like-minded people; think better and better thoughts; channel love to yourself and others.
It’s not your job to solve the world’s problems. It ISyour job to stay in the flow of the Universe so you attract solutions. Everything in our lives is an opportunity to beautifully stay tapped in, tuned in and turned on to the pure, positive energy of the Universe. Know in your heart that everything always works out for you for your best and highest good. Ask yourself what feels best in this moment; then use your inner guidance system to get the answers.
The group played the “What if” game for a member who seeks the highest and best way to attract a better job. In the game, the group suggests ideas that add positive energy to the end result the member desires. The group offered the following. Make it a game; play the “wouldn’t it be nice if…” game to elevate your energy; love the job you are in now; list everything you appreciate about your current job. Play the “My job” game, as in my job is to feel good; my job is to chill out; my job is to appreciate; my job is to be in the moment; my job is to feel joyous.
Believe you can have what you most desire; trust and accept and rejoice - the Universe will provide unconditionally; let go of control - be in the flow; remember to let go and just enjoy the process as it unfolds; do mini-shifts every five minutes to realign your purest intentions; create a sound track of music that amplifies your core essence energy; play guided meditations that take your heart, mind and soul to the perfect career you strongly want; know that you are right on time.
Ramona asked the group what makes them feel blissful. Suggestions were nature, meditation, hiking, pets, music, beach, photography, friends, appreciation, dancing, making love, good food, aha moments, sound baths, being there for others, listening to Abraham, and rejoicing in the beauty all around us.
Some books were recommended. Sanaya Roman’s“Opening to Channel”, “Soul Love”, “Spiritual Growth”, “Personal Power Through Awareness”, “Creating Money”, “Living With Joy”, and others. Sanaya is a great Law of Attraction teacher and specializes in sending light, lowering resistance, and harmonizing with the heart’s desire. Also recommended was “The Power of the Subconscious Mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy.
Ramona read the following mantra which the group repeated out loud.
Dear Universe, I am happily going to chill more than in the past, and to trust the Universe much more often. So be it.
The closing video was “Simple Acts of Kindness – Paying it Forward” available on YouTube.
Our next meeting will be September 9. Remember to subscribe to our private Facebook page Burbank Law of Attraction Meetup Group.
Sign up for our YouTube channel at MikeAndRamona.LOA.
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