Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Ramona welcomed the group and introduced new members and guests.

Eddie Conner provided an inspiring meditation, “The Abundant Tree Meditation” available on YouTube.  

The opening video was "Abraham Hicks 💜Do This Every Morning To Be The Most Powerful Person!"   The video creatively explains the steps to achieving the life you desire.  

Ramona led a “Bring It On” mastermind where anyone could ask anything Abraham-Hicks related.  

1)   The first question asked to define Source.  Answers included the following:
·     Your other half. 
·     Your soul’s essence. 
·     The part of you that is the pure positive energy that creates worlds.

2)   What do you think about Esther’s calling herself “A Vibrational Snob”?  
·     It’s staying in the flow of your Source regardless of what’s happening around you. 
·     It’s not allowing other people’s behavior to affect you.
·     It’s choosing to feel good for the sheer joy of it.

3)   What does Abraham-Hicks mean when referring to the 17 Seconds?  According to Abraham-Hicks, 17 seconds of pure thought is the ignition point of manifesting.  If you hold a thought for 17 seconds, you set in motion that manifestation.  The purpose behind this rule is to get you to think purely for 17 seconds and to have that desire become stronger until it reaches 68 seconds (four times the 17 seconds).  17 seconds is equivalent to 2,000 man hours of work.  Each additional uninterrupted 17 seconds multiplies that number by 10 so that 68 seconds of uninterrupted thought is equivalent to 2 million man hours of work, thereby creating a truly powerful point of attraction.

4)    Why is it that more and more people are getting sick and infirm as they age?  How do I avoid going down that road when it’s all I see?  
·     Don’t observe or listen to others as they complain about their aging issues.
·     It’s the belief in decline that’s the reason for aging.
·     Maintain the desire to stay healthy as you age because age is entirely a state of mind.
·     Focus only on all things that lift your thoughts and feelings.
·     Focus on things that make you feel light.
·     Age has to do with vibration.  The higher your vibration, the better you feel.
·     Acknowledge everything that is working for you.
·     Keep learning, growing, traveling and staying aware.
·     Through the eyes of Source we are perfect, healed, whole and healthy.
·     Proper alignment with Source keeps us young.
·     One reason for the decline is paying attention to negative things and not paying attention to things that work, feel good, and lift you up.
·     Look for all beautiful things that inspire your heart and mind.

5)    Thinking about a career change, not sure what to pursue, how do I ask the Universe to assist me?
·     Start by loving the job you are in now so you can leave it feeling powerful and empowered.
·     Make a list of everything that you’re good at, what lights you up, what feels good.
·     You may not know what you want to do, but you know how you want to feel when you get there.
·     Take inventory of what works and what feels good. This will shift your energy from the old job into a new one.
·     Go out on a limb.  You’ll know it when it presents itself.

6)    Can a person manifest a relationship with a specific person?
·     Define exactly what you are attracted to.
·     Focus your energies easily on all the good stuff that works.
·     Once you are clear on your feelings about love, the Universe conspires to bring that to you.
·     Look upon each relationship as a learning experience.  Finding out what you don’t want helps you determine what you do want.

7)    I need help staying focused on positive thoughts and avoiding the negative ones.
·     Remember and use your favorite memories and thoughts to lift yourself.
·     Find humorous things that feel good to you.
·     Find things that make you feel good to the core of your being.
·     Look at funny pictures.
·     Make a list of the good things that have happened to you and refer to it when needed.
·     There is an app called “FeelGoood” (Yes, with three “O’s” in Goood) that allows you to pick your place on the emotional scale, then helps you rise up to a better feeling place.

After the mastermind session, a few members did the “WHAT IF”  in the  “Love Seat”. They shared their biggest dream and the members gave them “what if” reasons why it all could go right and actually come true.
The closing video was “Love Is Who We Are – Daniel Christopherson”.  

Our next meeting will be June 12 at 7PM at SpiritWorks in Burbank.  The title is “Bring It On – the Sequel”.  We will be continuing the May meeting format by popular demand.  Think about the Abraham-Hicks questions you have and BRING IT ON!



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