Ramona opened the meet up with a guided meditation from Deepak Chopra - Meditation.
Our Skype guest was Kala Ambrose. ExploreYourSpirit.com Kala is an author, intuitive, wisdom teacher, radio show hostess and recently debuted Explore Your Spirit TV. Her presentation centered around the Ancient Wisdom of Egypt and Greece, Auras, and Chakras and Energy Fields. She specifically spoke about the Egyptian Mystery Temple: As it is expressed from above, it is received so below. So it is written, so shall it be. Kala gave instructions on placing a white-light shield around ourselves for protection. She also spoke about auras, and how we are creating ourselves into super-conscious beings.
Kala’s book 9 Life Altering Lessons: Secrets of the Mystery Schools Unveiled delves into teachings from the ancient temples of Egypt and Greece and is available through her website. We've placed a link to her website on the right side of this blog for your convenience. Her new book The Awakened Aura: Experiencing the Evolution of Your Energy Body will be released later this year.
You can sign up for Kala’s newsletter by entering your email address in the box on her website exploreyourspirit.com. While on her website, be sure to check out her radio show and review downloads of prior guests from her 300 + shows. Her guests include Bernie Siegel, Don Miguel Ruiz, James Redfield, Dr. John Gray, Gary Zukav, Lisa Williams, and a whole lot more.
The topic for discussion was “Getting Past Stuckness” which is the first step to getting into the Vortex. We watched two videos:
There was lively discussion about being stuck out of the Vortex and how to get back in. When we feel we are stuck it's because we continue to think the same negative thoughts. If we keep thinking negative thoughts, we cannot be in the Vortex. By thinking the same thoughts over and over, those thoughts become our beliefs. Once a negative thought becomes a belief, it is harder to break the habit of thought and reenter the Vortex.
In the words of Abraham:
Life is Always in Motion, So you Cannot be “Stuck.” Sometimes our physical friends will say, “I’m stuck! I’ve been in this place for a very long time, and I can’t get out of it. I’m stuck?” And we always explain that it is not possible to stand still or be stuck, because Energy, and therefore life, is always in motion. Things are always changing.
Life is Always in Motion, So you Cannot be “Stuck.” Sometimes our physical friends will say, “I’m stuck! I’ve been in this place for a very long time, and I can’t get out of it. I’m stuck?” And we always explain that it is not possible to stand still or be stuck, because Energy, and therefore life, is always in motion. Things are always changing.
But the reason it may feel to you as if you are stuck is because, while you are continuing to think the same thoughts, things are changing-but they are changing to the same thing over and over. If you want things to change to different things, you must think different thoughts. And that simply requires finding unfamiliar ways of approaching familiar subjects.
Ramona asked the group what advice they would give to help someone get “unstuck” and back into the vortex. Among the ideas were:
Do a 10 – 20 minute rampage of appreciation
Do what you love
Move back up the “ladder” in incremental steps
Think of something else
Try doing something different
Write 10 positive things about yourself
Refer to “Ask and it is Given”, the book by Esther and Jerry Hicks
Become conscious of maladaptive practices and change your process
Look for relief wherever you can find it
Concentrate on nature. Go for a walk in nature
Stop the negative thought and change it to positive
The next three meetings will be April 19, May 24, and June 21. Ramona asks that we send her an email of suggested topics for future meetings. Her email address is Rmucciolo@charter.net.
The closing video was “Hugs” filmed in Italy. Hugs Video
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