Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Eddie Conner welcomed members and guests and asked new members and first time attendees to introduce themselves.  Then Eddie led the group in a guided meditation.

Members shared their wins since last month.

We watched an Abraham-Hicks video which is on You Tube. 

Eddie led the discussion with the following questions:

Did you know the cells in your body are perpetually asking for more? More of what? 

More of what you are focusing your dominant attention upon.  

Asking for what you want, 
Allowing the Universe to bring it while, you stay in the 
Receiving mood. 

As humans, how do we ask for what we want?
How many different ways can we ask?
Why do we ask?
Why do we have to ask?

What's the upside to Asking?
What's the downside to Asking?

Who is comfortable Asking for what you want?
Who is uncomfortable Asking? Why?

When I say, "You must Allow" what does that mean to you?

Is it easy for you to Receive?
Is it hard for you to Receive?

Why is Receiving so important?

What happens when you successfully Ask, then Allow, but have trouble Receiving?

Can you see how Asking, Allowing, and Receiving is vital in order to live in harmony with the Law of Attraction?

The key is to mentally expect what you ask for, make sure your vibration is a match, and it will manifest.

Moving forward how will you Ask, Allow, and Receive More LOVE?

Moving forward how will you Ask, Allow, and Receive More MONEY?

Moving forward how will you Ask, Allow, and Receive More CAREER?

Moving forward how will you Ask, Allow, and Receive More HAPPINESS?


We watched the closing video which was from the April 2 CBS News Sunday Morning Show.  Sorry, it is not available to include here.

Our next meeting will be May 16, 2017.  See you then.