Ramona welcomed the group and introduced new members and first
time attendees.
Eddie Conner led the group in a guided meditation. Here is a link to that meditation. Thank you Eddie for your
fabulous meditations and for taking notes of the meetings.
shared their “wins” since the last meeting.
The opening video was Abraham-Hicks 2016 - Understanding, Forgiveness, and Freedom.
When the
subject in this video returned home after several years, he observed that he
reverted to who he was before he left home.
This left him with a feeling of being split – a schism between who he
was then and who he is now. It took a
while to find his balance, which is OK.
People tend to remember you as you once were energetically to them. He finds more strength away from home because
he is tuned in, tapped in and turned on.
It is possible to do that anywhere; it’s just harder in a place where
you used to be someone energetically different.
Once you understand that you can go anywhere.
Understanding versus Forgiveness. Understanding is a high frequency,
grounded, balanced feeling. Instead of
forgiving someone a transgression, try to understand them. Forgiving is to focus on the negative in
someone. Understanding helps you focus
on the positive aspects of the situation.
If you cannot forgive or understand, you will be unable to move forward
in the expansion.
Ramona asked the group to think of
one old story,
something someone did that needs to be forgiven, and write it on a
handout. When completed, the group was
asked to tear it up and deposit it into a bag entitled “Same Old Story Disposal
System” and let it go once and for all.
Helpful Thoughts.
It is up to us to feel better first.
When we choose to feel better inside, it gives us room to understand and
forgive. It is helpful to remember wins
from the past and employ them to feel better now by replacing the bad memories.
The second video was Abraham-Hicks - Forgiveness is About Releasing Resistance.
This video teaches us it is easier to let go of emotions
than to fight them; forgiveness moves us easily downstream; Source never moves
backwards – only forward; don’t be angry with yourself for being angry; focus
on things that feel good; stay in touch with “what is”; love your reality as is
instead of what you think it should be; and change your personal story for the
joy of it. It is important to learn the
whole story and get it down to your personal heartfelt desires.
A second exercise was designed to help us forgive
ourselves. Ramona asked the group to
write down something they need to forgive themselves for. When completed the group was asked to tear
them up and place them in the “Same Old Story Disposal System” and release it,
let it go and allow our hearts’ desires to manifest.
Mike and
Ramona carried the “Same Old Story Disposal System” bag, filled with torn up
old stories, back to Michigan to be burned on the beach.
Ramona led an open forum on
forgiveness based
on what we learned. Writing down our old
issues and letting them go brings us profound happiness. Letting go… is a repeated practice; brings us
flow; allows our good; frees us up; and puts us in alignment. Whereas, holding
on to old programs… clogs us up; blocks our good; and lowers our vibration.
What can we do to continue this
euphoria we feel tonight? Do anything that makes you feel
good; go outside into nature and enjoy; picture this room filled with happy
people; appreciate whatever lights you up; meditate; view Abraham-Hicks videos;
start your day with proper intentions; listen to the Abraham-Hicks meditation
Here are some links of meditations
Ramona uses:
And five Getting into The Vortex Meditations.
The closing video was Forgiveness Quotes.