Ramona opened the meeting welcoming members and guests.
Past experiences and successes with the Law of Attraction were shared.
The meditation was provided by one of our members, Krista
Haitz, in the form of her you tube video
Guided Meditation Poem – As I Began to Love Myself .
The format of the evening’s meeting was to separate the
attendees into eight mastermind groups. Each group was given one of four topics
to discuss and present. The topics were Prosperity, Love and Relationships,
Self Worth, and Career Success. Here are the pearls of wisdom generated by the
eight groups, presented by topic.
Make 2015 your most prosperous year yet.
Focus on gratitude as that will attract great things.
Remember to tell your own story and put it into action.
Do what you love to do and what you are seeking will come
to you.
Remember reciprocity – what you give out, you will get
Look at the world, even the homeless, and learn from what
you observe.
Be joyful in everything you do. Surround yourself with
joyful people.
Do not feel guilty about feeling joyful even if others
around you do not.
Keep your own joyful vibration and do not succumb to the
vibration of others.
Have a good intention to set your path.
Do not expect – be open to whatever is coming your way.
Do not be anxious over issues, especially financial ones.
Appreciate the little things as they accumulate versus
setting goals too big to achieve.
Do not think about the money as that will get in your way
of achieving your goal. Redefine prosperity as abundance, not money.
Have a feel-good attitude and things will come to you.
Love and Relationships:
All good relationships start with self love.
Pick your battles. Accept the little things.
Don’t try to change the other person.
Deal with issues
in a positive way.
Do not engage
the other person on a “bad day”. The encounter will spiral out of control.
Enjoy doing
things together, but allow for each to do their own thing.
Work on self
growth. Allow the other to catch up. Do not push them.
Look at
relationships in terms of what we can give as opposed to what we can get.
Be in partnership
– working together.
Stop “doing” and
start allowing.
Focus less on “observable
reality” and focus on creating our desired reality.
Keep commitments
– do what we say we are going to do.
Take care of
yourself as well as and before everyone else.
Give others the
benefit of the doubt.
Self Worth:
Determine the
benefit you provide to others and charge what you feel you are worth.
Use self worth
to understand what you need to do.
starting your own company.
Avoid people,
situations and habits that deter from your self worth.
Release perfectionism.
Be aware that
you are whole and complete.
Have compassion
on yourself. Don’t compare yourself to others.
Appreciate the
ins and outs of your life.
Realize you are
a part of Source.
Write a letter
to your future self describing your perfect day.
Write your
manifestation on a piece of paper and place it in a manifestation jar.
Career Success:
It’s OK to
change careers/jobs. Step back; release resistance; go to the job you want.
Keep a positive
focus when dealing with customers.
Put out the
right intention, but don’t be too specific.
Going general
provides a better chance of getting what you want.
Pre-pave by
setting your intention before every job or project.
Avoid ego as it
gets in your way as resistance and control.
Take time to BE
rather than DO so you replenish yourself.
Believe in what
will happen. The past is not evidence of the future.
Learn from the
past to use in the future.
Don’t place
expectations on yourself.
Make your
intention while relaxed and allow it to come to you.
Use positivity.
Be accepting and
open; we are all where we are supposed to be.
Release the ego
as you give and receive (as in co-creating).
Instead of
avoidance, do it any way without worrying about the outcome. Relax.
Do it only if it
feels good.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 10. See you there. And remember: