The meeting started with a video entitled “Sivan Garr Presents - I Love You”.
Ramona asked
the new members to introduce themselves, followed by a guided meditation by
Eddie Conner – “To Open Your Heart”.
Ramona asked
the group to share updates and wins since their last meeting.
We showed an
Abraham video “Tuned into Love”. Ramona
started the discussion with the statement “All of us are here to learn from one
another – we are all co-creating together.” In that light, what do we think of
when we say the word “Love”? Answers
included happiness, fulfillment, relatives like a special grandmother,
visitations from loved ones who have passed, and a sharing of hearts, kindness,
acceptance, and appreciation.
Why do some
people feel negative about love? Because some people just don’t feel love, are
incapable of love, perhaps because they have not experienced it or had a bad
experience with it – giving love but having it betrayed. Sometimes when we
don’t see or feel love reflected back to us we begin to feel unlovable.
What stops
us from feeling love? Fear. What is
fear? False Evidence Appearing Real.
One of our
members shared a life-changing illustration of a person apparently trapped
behind two bars. But with one step to the right or left, that person can be
Our brain
may see many repeat patterns from lifetime to lifetime. How can we replace
these patterns with something better? One suggestion was to replace the old
patterns with new affirmations. Also try mirror work as suggested by Louise
Hay. What matters most is what we are feeling inside when we generate new
thoughts. If we feel down, it is unlikely our new thoughts will be uplifting.
So get happy and stay happy. Do what you enjoy doing that makes you feel good.
A member
shared that she asks the Universe for evidence that she is loveable. She
started with subtle, simple pieces of proof that she is loveable. Examples are
that clerks and strangers she encounters acknowledge her and are nice to her.
That provides the feeling that love exists and it made her feel loved.
member plays the “A to Z” game, where on her way to work she finds a positive
adjective to describe herself that begins with an “A”, then a “B”, etc. She
arrives at work high because she set the tone for loving herself first and the
world follows her frequency.
How do we
deal with people in our lives who are hard to love? We should forgive them,
read the “Four Agreements”, don’t take it personally, send them love because
they need it more than we do, put your ego aside and take a second look, be
more generous with your perspectives, make up a back story that describes why
that person is the way he or she is and that changes our outlook on him or her
for the better. Remember that judging others disconnects us from Source.
Everyone has an issue. If we can learn to love and especially to love
ourselves, we can learn to love others which will free ourselves to be trusting
and happy.
What happens
when we have an encounter with someone who treats us poorly or cuts us off in
traffic, etc.? Remember that person is giving you an opportunity to show a part
of yourself. If you cry out an expletive, that is a negative reflection of
yourself. Whatever you think becomes present in your body. So, ground yourself,
remain in the present, and be an observer of their ill behavior while
sprinkling them with sparkles of love. This will serve to anchor yourself in
more love, whether the other person sees it or not.
shared an Abraham quote about limitations. “Just stop arguing for your
limitations. We encourage you to think about the good that happened to you
yesterday and amplify that good feeling.
Mike shared an
experience he had with someone at work who did and said things behind his back,
and would not admit to it when asked. The image of the things he said and did behind his back stuck in Mike’s
mind and haunted his existence. It kept him awake at night and seemed to fill
every waking moment. He tried a “Higher-self Conversation” with his adversary.
In a mode similar
to meditation, he said “This is Mike's higher self. I want to have a
conversation with your higher self. We were friends and worked well together
for many years. Then something happened. I don't understand what it was. If I
did something to wrong you I am truly sorry. And, I forgive you for your
actions against me. What you did, however, has affected our relationship. I truly wish it hadn’t.
"I sense
that you are still sending negative energy to me. I have decided that whatever
negative energy you send my way I will say “No, thank you” and return to you. I
truly hope you will stop sending negative thoughts and start sending positive
energy. I will send high frequency thoughts to you. Any positive energy you
send me I will double and return to you. It will be better for both of
Another member
suggests that you address the other person in a very direct manner and tell him
or her to only focus on what is wanted – love and self-appreciation.
Ramona wrapped up
the meeting with the following affirmation we all repeated:
I love and accept
myself exactly as I am.
I deserve love
and I accept it now.
I attract only
loving, healthy relationships into my life.
All my
relationships are healthy, healed and whole and I now experience an abundance
of love within my life.
Then everyone
shared one thing we love about ourselves.
Next meeting is March 19, 7PM at SpiritWorks.