Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Our Emotional Guidance Scale

We opened with a meditation from Deepak Chopra 

Eddie Conner  provided an inspiring presentation on how we contradict ourselves, thinking we are asking the Universe for something we want – BUT – actually asking for the opposite. He calls it BUT-tradicting ourselves.

Eddie has a wonderful newsletter available free of charge. If you wish to receive Eddie's newsletter, sign up on Eddie'sWebsite in the lower right hand corner.

The group reviewed the scale of emotions as proposed by Abraham, from best to worst, as follows:

1.       Joy/Knowledge/Empowerment/Freedom/Love/Appreciation
2.      Passion
3.      Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
4.      Positive Expectation/Belief
5.      Optimism
6.      Hopefulness
7.      Contentment
8.     Boredom
9.      Pessimism
10.   Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
11.    Overwhelment
12.   Disappointment
13.   Doubt
14.   Worry
15.   Blame
16.   Discouragement
17.   Anger
18.   Revenge
19.   Hatred/Rage
20.  Jealousy
21.   Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
22.  Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness

For more information, see Chapter 22 of “Ask and it is Given.”

The group did some exercises as examples of how to move up the scale when we find ourselves in a place we’d rather not be.  Mike explained the range of emotions and how he moved up the scale after receiving the cancer diagnosis. Another emotion is the loss of a pet or someone we love.  We can move up the scale by becoming angry, worrying about the family of the deceased, be disappointed that the person is no longer around, overwhelmed with all that needs to be done, pessimistic about our unknown future, boredom during the service, up to appreciating the life of the deceased. It is also helpful to believe their energy is still with us. 

Some key points are 1) We can't jump from 22 to 1 - must take it in steps; and 2) We should make ourselves set time limits on each step.

For more information, watch the You Tube video “Process 22” presented by Jerry Hicks.

If you haven’t already done so, be sure to check out the blogs several of our members have started:

            Julie Perkins             http://theyearoflivingjoyously.blogspot.com/
            Nikki                           http://loayouth.org/     
            Yael                             http://silverwhitedoe.blogspot.com/

Our next Meet Up will be Tuesday, October 4 “What do you choose to think?”